5e final sacrifice

What is 5e Final Sacrifice?

5e Final Sacrifice is a campaign module for the fifth edition of the popular tabletop role-playing game, Dungeons & Dragons. It is a high-level adventure that is designed for players who have already achieved a significant amount of experience in the game. The module is set in a world that is on the brink of destruction, and the players must work together to prevent the end of civilization as they know it.

What Makes 5e Final Sacrifice Unique?

One of the unique features of 5e Final Sacrifice is its focus on the concept of sacrifice. Throughout the module, players will be asked to make difficult choices and sacrifices in order to achieve their goals. This theme is woven throughout the entire adventure, and it adds a level of emotional depth and complexity that is not often seen in other D&D campaigns.

Another unique aspect of 5e Final Sacrifice is its open-ended nature. While there is a main storyline that the players will follow, there are also many opportunities for them to explore the world and interact with its inhabitants. The module provides a wealth of information about the setting, including detailed descriptions of locations, NPCs, and factions. This allows players to create their own stories within the larger framework of the adventure.


Q: Is 5e Final Sacrifice suitable for beginners?

A: No, 5e Final Sacrifice is designed for experienced players who have already achieved a high level of mastery in the game. The challenges presented in the adventure are difficult and require a strong understanding of the rules and mechanics of D&D.

Q: Can I run 5e Final Sacrifice as a standalone adventure?

A: Yes, 5e Final Sacrifice can be run as a standalone adventure. However, it is recommended that the players have some experience with the game and have played together before, as the challenges presented in the adventure are quite difficult.

Q: How long does it take to complete 5e Final Sacrifice?

A: The length of time it takes to complete 5e Final Sacrifice will vary depending on the play style of the group, but it is designed to be a long-term campaign that spans multiple sessions. It is estimated that it will take between 20-30 hours of gameplay to complete.


5e Final Sacrifice is a unique and challenging adventure that is designed for experienced D&D players. Its focus on the theme of sacrifice adds a level of emotional depth and complexity that is not often seen in other campaigns, and its open-ended nature allows for a great deal of player creativity. If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding adventure for your group, 5e Final Sacrifice is definitely worth considering.
